How is chorizo ​​made?

Spanish charcuterie Chorizo


Net weight: 150 g
Unit price370350

Chorizo ​​is a cured meat of Iberian origin, very widespread in Europe and Latin America. It is also very popular in France where it can be eaten as an accompaniment to a salad to give it a little spice. Depending on the method of preparation and the ingredients used, there are many varieties of chorizos. invites you to discover how this Spanish charcuterie is made, which is very similar to the French dry sausage.

Chorizo, Spanish dry sausage

The chorizo generally has an elongated or U-shaped shape. It can be thin or thick depending on the casing used (the small intestine or large intestine) during its preparation. The taste can also vary (more or less sweet or spicy). You will find two types of chorizo ​​on the market, namely dry and fresh.

At, dry chorizo is on offer. This sausage made from pork meat can be eaten raw, on its own or as an aperitif. Chorizo ​​is also used as an ingredient in the composition of recipes with rice or in soups. It can also be made into sandwiches by placing it directly on bread.

As for fresh chorizos, they must be cooked before being eaten. They can be boiled or grilled on a barbecue or plancha before incorporating them into a delicious cooking recipe. The conservation of chorizo ​​can extend from 6 to 10 months.

Ingredients for making chorizos

Pork meat is the main ingredient that chorizo is made of. However, there are varieties that use:

  • horse meat,
  • beef,
  • deer,
  • foal,
  • boar,
  • ostrich.

The goal is to get a different flavor. These pork-free recipes are also suitable for people looking for halal chorizo. Without this ingredient, the product is however drier and it is difficult to chew.

To respect the traditional recipe, the pork must therefore be included in the preparation, even if you want to use other ones. If you want to buy horse chorizo, for example, it must contain some pork. It is essential to have a good texture in the mouth.

In the online charcuterie, the chorizo ​​offered is made with a selection of quality meats to give it a better taste. Lean and fatty are used because they give it a certain tenderness. Whether it is made with pork or a mixture of meats, the animals must be raised in the right conditions.

Paprika is another essential ingredient in the production of chorizo and which constitutes its particularity. Also known as "pimenton", it is a variety of sweet pepper used for seasoning. Without paprika, chorizo ​​would not exist.

It is this element that gives it this rusty hue that tends towards red. This coloring is even a criterion for recognizing well-spiced chorizo. It is the paprika that gives the latter this slightly spicy taste that we feel when tasting.

Salt is also a key ingredient in the making of spicy chorizos. It reveals its flavor, but also contributes to its conservation. As for the other ingredients, we find garlic, pepper, oregano, red wine or bay leaf which are used to season the chorizo. The casings are used for its embossing.

How to prepare this pork sausage?

The preparation of chorizo is made using a salting method that has existed for over 60 years. It must respect the hygiene standards in force in Europe. This is also the case for all the dried charcuterie available on

To prepare chorizo, you must first trim the meat. This operation ensures that it has been boned and removes the parts that will not be used. A slicing knife is most often used to do this.

It is then left to harden in the freezer so that the fat does not melt. It must then be chopped so that it is not too fine or too thick. We usually equip the chopper with the 12 grid, but we can also use the 6 grid.

The other ingredients are then added and mixed until a compact ball is obtained. This mixing is very important, because it allows the proteins to form a binder so that the chorizo has good cohesion. Let the mixture rest overnight in the refrigerator before stuffing the sausage.

You have to rinse and desalinate the casings first. The chorizo is then left to parboil in a hot place for about two days before drying. This step is carried out in a ventilated room with a temperature ranging from 10 to 15 ° C and a humidity between 75 and 80%.

The drying time for this Iberian salami is approximately one and a half months, but it can vary depending on the variety you want to prepare. The chorizo ​​is tied and hung on a support during this period.

Some recipes to try with your chorizos

With your chorizos, you can make many homemade recipes or eat it in slices. Do not hesitate to combine other charcuterie, such as ham. Rice with chorizo ​​and diced ham is a great idea for lunch.

For dinner, try an egg casserole recipe with chorizo, for example. If you like Italian pasta, why not mix the flavors of Italy with that of Spain? The recipe for pasta with ham and chorizo will certainly please you.



Net weight: 150 g
Unit price370350

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